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Afghan Kush Online kaufen


Afghan Kush looks very attractive, pale green with hints of yellow, both light and dark orange hairs are present. It looks like a nugget in orange and gold, with marbled crystals. Buy Afghan Kush online – Afghan Kush for sale. Afghan Kush is a popular marijuana strain with THC levels of up to 15%. Afghan Kush tastes very medicinal and has dramatic pain-relieving effects. Afghan Kush is popular with patients looking to relieve pain, stress, insomnia, and nausea.

  • 50 grams
  • 100 grams
  • 250 grams
  • 500 grams
SKU: GL001 Category:

Afghan Kush Art

Afghan Kush is a very attractive breed with a dark green color with hints of yellow. The orange hair is both dark and light and looks like a mix of orange and gold with shiny crystals.


The whole ball of Afghan Kush has a mild smell of butterscotch and saffron.However, the burnt toffee scent dominates once you open the bud.


This inflorescence has the same pungent taste, the strongest being Nutmeg, cinnamon and ginger. Nutmeg has a very mild taste and remains in the memory for a few moments.


Afghan Kush has immediate effects. You get really relaxed and a little heavy-eyed (not for newbies). I discovered that I did not experience a lot of agony. I also feel this is a big spasm. Afghan Kush is also the right root if you can’t sleep at night and think you need to sleep right away.

My favorite strain this year is Afghan Kush. Knowing someone who grew it and saw its beauty has given me passion for such an amazing strain. During the flowering period, the girl’s smells were strong as hell, but as they dried, they became less strong. She showed her real colors during the curing process. She went from spicy to a soft, sweet scent with hints of lime green and bright orange in her hair. A very smooth smoke in comparison to the majority. The honey oil made with this color is fantastic. The highest load in a certain period of time

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Afghan Kush

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